quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 23 - Scenario

Olá pessoal,

Um pouquinho de inglês especialmente para vocês!

Imagine it is your dream to compete in the Olimpics. Since the Olimpics are not to far away you need to prepare to compete. You will need to chose a sport event to compete in and a training schedule for that event. Think about what you will have to do and for how long.
There are many events to chose from, but you need to chose just one. You can decide to perfor a water sport such as diving, or swiming the butterfly and free stile. You might want to compete in a gymnastic related event, man can compete on the rings, the (?), the (?) and the horse.  Woman can perform on the balance bean, the  (?) and the vault. Both man and woman can compete in a floor exercise event.
There are also winter olympics that you could decide to participate in, you could do downhill ski, snowboarding or ice skating.
Track and field is another area you might be interested in, there are many options such as dash, relay, runs and medley. There are also events like shot put, jovens roll, the high jump and the long jump.

Até mais ^^b

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 22 - Listerning

Oi pessoal,
Ultima por hoje

Special meals for holydays and celebrations

Shrove tuesday, the day before ash wednesday, the event, also known as (?), carnival and (?), is calebrated across the world with great feasting. Well brasilian's samba in the streets of Rio, and New Orlands through its most famous party of the year, the english celebrate with pancake day. Since long it is a time of abstinence traditionaly of meat, fat, eggs and dairy products, shrove tuesday manu was designed to use up all the fat, eggs and dairy products left in the kichen. On this day families get for sweet and savory pancakes (?) and housewives still compete in a peculiar traditional tossing and flipping their pancakes three times in to the air. Many christian churches offer pancakes suppers as a social function for their congregations.
Almost every country has at least one special food that is eaten on new years eve or in the first day of the new year that is believe to bring lucky, wealth or success. In the United States there is a sane that it takes eating habits in the new years celebrations. Eat poor on new years, eat fat in the rest of the year. A traditional new years meal includes ham, corn bread, black eyed peas and collard greens, but black eyed peas and collard greens are considered the specially lucky additions to the dinner table. Black eyed peas are thought to bring wealth because they look like little coins, in addition to the fact that they swells when cooked, a sure signal of prosperity. Collard greens are considered lucky because they are green, like money.
When we think of a traditional thanks giving meal the first thing that comes to our mind is a delicious roasted turkey, of course there isn't anything more tipical than to have turkey on thanks giving, but what goes with it? Besides the stuff in, which can be prepared in many different ways, we can't forget the grave and the chreamberry sauce. The vegetables served are often those harvest from the garden in tha fall, such as (?), carrots and potatos. For dessert, how about the delicious pumpkin pie?

Até outro dia!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 21 - Scenario

Oi pessoal!

Hoje foi um dia atípico no meu curso, tivemos um italiano que ensina inglês como colega. Sujeito estranho e como a maioria dos estrangeiros cheio de preconceitos. Só pra v6 terem uma idéia, quando entrou um dos meus colegas que é meio moreninho assim mais escuro ele já agarrou o celular, OI? Pois é o meu colega é de boa família e deve ter mais condição do que eu, gente boa e tudo, mas foi bem assim.
Espero que v6 não trobem com nenhum sujeito como esse pq haja paciência viu.

Every country has its own holidays that its citizens celebrate which make it different from another countries. Think about some of holidays that are unique to your country. What makes they unique? How do they begin? Do you think that holidays form part of your contry culture? Why or why not?
Now think of five specific holydays that are unique to your contry and write about each one. Describe the holyday, how it is celebrated, where it is come from and any other interesting fact you can think of.
Some holydays may came from a mix of the cultures in your country, while others may be comemorative of a historical event.
Make a five page book with which page representing one of the holydays you have chosen. Make sure to include pictures and/or objects that are representatives of holydays. You should include songs related with the holydays, also include their composers and the history of the songs.
You might also include stikers or an interesting background for each page. Be creative.

Até mais pessoal

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 20 - Listerning

Oi de novo pessoal!

What about some history?

Jeans were first weared by mynors and farmeres in California. Well living in France, a German named Levy Strows (?) a very resiliant fiber and emediatly tought that it would be very usefull for mynors and farmeres in the United States. He bought a large amount of the fiber and went to Jenoa, in Italy where he found people who over (?). Strwas, than came to America, he used call jeans material, material from jeans, the franch name from Jenoa and than jean material, it has been a big sucsses since than.
In the 70'centure Europe was devastated by the 30'year's war, this war was causes by religios differences and had put catolics against the protestance on the baterfield. The France had a group of Croation's sodiers helping them, they were all mercenaries. This mercenaries weared a kind of handkerchief around the neek similar to our ties nowadays. The France aristacracy loved it and adopted the new fashion that was later taken to England and soon spread all over Europe. The 80'hundred's can be considered the golden age of the tie because it became an essecial peace of a man's clothing. It was also in the 90'centure that a new tipe of tie was put on the market, the boll tie.
Weman don't think twice before taking a pair of pants today, but it hasn't always been like that. Before the 96's it was in a entirely different matter. In the 1920's a fasion designer named Coco Chanel pioneered pants for weman. They were (?) like byfocated skirts and should only be waer on very casual ocasions. In the 1950's weman weared casual pants or overalls but they would change into dresses or skirts if they had to go out.
Authough it was a famous designer Mary kuant the women who created the mini skirt, who designed the first pants for weman to be wearned streatwear, it was the franch designer Corrage who received much of the credit because at that time he was for more famous tham mary kuant. One interesting fact is that in the 1960's many restaurants refuse to addimit weman wearing pants but very shot mini skirts were acceptable.

Bye, bye.

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 19 - Scenario

Oi pessoal!

Como vocês estão hoje?
Já se matricularam para o ano que vem? É, eu tbm não e falei bem pra minha prof que eu não tenho mais condições de ficar pagando o curso, simples assim. Quero mesmo é investir numa viagem para o exterior.


There are many people in the world who suffer on a daily basis. Many do not have enough food or clean water, some do not have a oportunity to have a quality education.
There are already many organizations but now it is your chance to make the difference in the world.
You will design a program that will help a certain group of people to relieve their suffering. Decide what will you alliviate and for what group. Would the people you will help be from a particular country? How old will they be? Will the be male female or both? Will they need aid from a natural disaster? A sickness? Or a war?
You will also need to create a campain to advertise your charity to potencial donors. How much will they need to donate? What would their donations go towards? Will they be able to meet a person or peole they are helping? Would they be able to donate only money or would they also be able to itens such as clothing, food or other materials?
Than, you will need to create a plan to continue the aid. This may mean you will need to continue asleesick donations or that you will use other sources of income. For example, the people you are helping could do something to generate funds or you could rely sole on donations.
Remember to give your program a name and, maybe a slogam, to help your campain.

Até mais!

quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 18 - Text

Hey every one!

How about a litle bit more of lesson 18? No? I guess so, but we do have no choice, so lets do it!


A notional survey show that volunteering among teenagers in America is on the rise. The number of teens volunteering rose by seventy percent within a period of four years. Not only are they more involved in formal and informal commitments organizations, but also donating hight amounts of money as contributions to charitable institutions.
During the same period the average anual contribution reached eighty two dollars from fifty six dollars. This survey also showed that the reason for which they decided to get involved with volunteer work is their compassion for in need.
The major benefit drived from volunteering decided was learning to respect one a other.
It is quite noticable that this kind of charity tends to increase more and more among teenagers since they have little or no responsability toward money earning, and therefore they have more time to dedicate themselves to charity


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 18 - Listerning

Oi pessoal!

Já estavam com saudades? É, eu entendo, é quase impossível viver sem um pouco de inglês, kk

What do americans do for fun?

Lets visit the amusement park! Americans love amusement parks, besides the traditional rides like (?), roller coasters and water slides, there are also games pie eating contests, exhibits of farm animales. The Giants theme parks like world famous DisneyWorld and DisneyLand are visited by many americans families and tourists from all over the globe.
In Brasil folk dance is commonly part of june festivities, but in the USA square dance is a traditional dance enjoyed by many people throughout the country all year long. Man usualy dress a cowboy outfit, and woman wear lace blouses and full skirts. Four couples form a square and a (?) shouts out what movements they need to make.
An other entertainemant very popular among americans is bingo. This game is usualy promoted by comunity and church groups to raise money for charity. Since bingo card are very cheap and in comparison to other activities it is considered a low risk game. Thats why, sometimes, americans spend their saturday evenings at bingo halls.

Até mais pessoal!

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 17 - Scenario


Nesta lição apareceram mais algumas expressões que me deixam confusas, por exemplo:
Buttered up: literalmente seria amanteigar ou passar manteiga, ou seja você passa manteiga na pessoa para ela fazer o q você quer, kkk
Wolfed down: quando ouvi essa pela primeira vez pensei o que o lobo (wolf) tem a ver com você comer muito rápido??? Será que é porque você acaba comento como um lobo ou algo do tipo? kk

Esse é o ultimo por hoje pessoal, estou na lição 19 então não estou mais tão atrasada com as postagens, rs.


Since the economy has been so low lately you have decided to help out to getting more people to travel. You will need to choose a city that you want travelers to visit, you must chose wisely because you will be helping the economy but at the same time you need to remember that most travelers nowadays dont have a lot of extra money.
You will design a brochure to advertise this city and all of its best atractions. Find out what the travelers will want to do, eat, see and where they will want to sleep.
Also, since travelers own target budget you will need to be creative in promoting the city you choose. Think about over all cost, maybe use the price as a selling point if it is cheap, if not, think of another way to sell to your potencial visitors.
You will need to explain what the city is, the size of its population among other demografic information. Be sure to identify the best time of year to visit it and what the climate is like since people will need to know what to pack include anything else you may think it is important for traveler to know.


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 16 - Text


Que texto enoooorme é esse minha gente???
Na minha opnião nos deveriamos ficar 3 aulas sem qualquer outro texto porque este aqui vale por 3. kk
Se eu não tivesse pego algumas anotações com a prof quando discutimos este tema em sala eu estaria perdidinha.


When traveling abroad one important point to consider is the cultural aspect, most of the time acting according local costumes would make the difference between a satisfying trip and a total disaster. Some things may seen very natural and casual for us but when we are in a foreigner country they can cause embarrassment, sneezing in public is one of than, in Japan it is considered rude. It is also rude to speak and laugh loudly. Coughing is an other issue to consider.
In India do not wear tight and low cut cloths or people will take more pictures of you than of the Taj Mahal. If an Egyptian is wearing purple and the Japonese or an Indian is wearing white it probable means they are in a mourning period.
In Europe it is not appropriated to wear a small biquini at the beach, the irony is that europeuns do not mind topless woman sunbathing along the beaches.
You can get embarrassed or suprised when someone greets you in a foreigner country, so be prepared to be kissed on the cheek or even on the mouth if you were on the Rusia. The traditional hand-shake is used in most of the countries and can save you in case you do not know what to do.
It would be polite to great on their traditional way though, Japonese, Chinese and koreans will band over to greet you. Indians will put your hands together as if they were praying.
If you were in USA or in Germany never kiss a person when greeting him or her, the hand shake is good enough, but watch out in Germany it is impolite to do that with the other hand in your pocket.
One least piece of advice: Lithuan people like to hug and to path people on the back but other people, Scandinavian, for instance, avoid this kind of enthusiastic greetings.
Punctuality is a other subject that shoud be part of your homework, British, German, Swiss and Scandinavian people are extremely punctual, in their countries if the trains is schedule to leave at nine thirty seven it will leave at nine thirty seven and not  at nine thirty five or nine forty.
In the USA, if you have a reservation at a restaurant you are expected to be there fifteen minutes earlier or you can loose your reservation.
Food etiquette is a subject that may get you in trouble, something polite in one country can be extremely rude in an other. In Japan it is normal to eat spagett sucking them one by one, when eating soup there, forget about the spoon, Japoneses have soup directly from the bowl. Talking about soup, in China if you eat the soup noisily the host will take it as a compliment, it is also a compliment to burp after eating in Sumerian countries.
In Canada, it is rude to start eating before the host or hostess is sited and pick up their forks, it is also a good idea to offer to past things that others at the table can not reach and finaly, in England do not soak bread in your spagett sauce or people will think you are barbarian.
You can think it is a lot of information remember but there is no need for you to worry to much about it, the most important thing is to relax but be observant and you will enjoy your trip even more.
If you make a faux-pas the local people will forgive you since you are a foreigner, however it would be a good idea do some homework before hiting the road.

Espero que ajude.
Qualquer duvida, correção, comentário ou elogio é só postar nos comentário. Afinal as suas idéias podem ser uteis para outros leitores!
Até mais!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 15 - Scenario


Me falaram que as nossas notas desse ano vão estar no nosso certificado. Não podia ser as notas do 1º ou 2º ano? : /


You have just won the trip of your dreams. You can go to any couty in the world with all expanses paid however there is a cath. You have only one weekend to see the entire country or your expanses will not be paid. Your job is create a entinarary begining from the time you live the airport to the time you retur home.
It must be a full week and you will need to plan out the detales of every single day. Make sure you cover all the most important sites in the coutry of your choice identifiyng what you will need to bring and what you will see and due and its location.
Your intinerary should be as detaled as possible and should also include estimated prices of which acctivities. This project may involve resarch on the internet but you should be able to create the perfect one week country tour.


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 14 - Listerning and Text

Qué tal?!


Nomadic people do not have permanent homes, they travel from place to place taking their homes with them. Their shoulders must be light and easily packed. The tuareg people from the saara (?) things from gold, sheep or camel hair. The tent is put up and held with the help of wood and poles, which happens to be very expensive in the desert.
On the island of Hong Kong there is not enough space for everybody to live in and build their homes, it is one of the most dasly populated places in the world, so people live in sampens, that is the name given to houseboats in Hong Kong.
Because Japam is earthquake ground the japanese have long built their houses out of bamboo paper and light weight wood. If a earthquake caused them to collapse these materials would be less likely to injure humans. Today most japanese homes are built with concrete bloc that moves as the ground shakes.


When the Celts occupied Europe, long before the birth of Christ, halloween was time for all who lived good lifes to feast. This feast happened mainly in Ireland and Scotland. The ancient Celts observed it to celebrate the sunset of winter and the begining of the caught at new year. This feast marked the third and final harvest and the storage of provisions for the winter.
People wore costumes made of animal skins to warned of the spirits of the death who returned to earth at the turning point of one year to the other. Wearing this costumes they would visit homes asking for treats, those who gave them would have a good year those ho did not will warned to watch out for spirits, this is the origen of the trick or treating that is so common nowadays.
The Romans after conquering England and France introduced their own thoughts to halloween, they gave nuts to their neighbors and let some donuts by their doors.
In the 90's century immigrants brought the holyday to north America were has involved and become a national celebration. Nowadays it has become a family holyday for parents and children and neighborly named to spend time together, creating costumes, carving pumpkins, planing trick or treating activities and participating in family and friends parties.
It is also time to take care of ones safety. Because of the tradition of sacrifice, said to be held by the Celts, questions of safety related to trick or treating has increase over the years causing some parents discontinue the tradition together. Some people have taken this oportunity to go after children to practice violence and to sat up some fanatic sucks

Hasta luego!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 13 - Scenario

Oi, todo mundo!

Como vão as aulas pessoal?
É, eu sei...Eu concordo em  gênero, numero e grau.
Pois é, eu também estou um pouco cansada, por isso atrasei um pouco as postagens, mas hoje vou fazer um extra pra vocês.
Então vamos começar que o trem não espera.

Imagine you are already to move to a new house. You have made a lot of money so you can spend as much as you would like to on a house. You decide to build your own house since you want to costume it. You begin to plan your house and it is going to be magnificient.
What will your house look like? Will it be enviromental friendly? What style of decor will you use? Will it be a range house? A castle? An a double house? A log cabin? or something different?
You should also think about where your house will be located as this might change the look of your house. You will also need to think about who will live in your house. How many bedroom will you need? How many bathrooms would you like? Are you going to have any extra rooms for exercising? A home theater? A indoor or a outdoor pool? etc
Will you have a yard? What would it look like? How much property will you need in order to fit your new house and its yard?
Now as you begin dreaming, think about what inspired you and take note. At the end of your project write about what inspired you and whether or not you realy want this house to became a reality.

Até mais pessoal!

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 12 - Listerning

Oi gente bonita da net!

Agora estamos aprendendo expressões idiomáticas e é uma coisa mais estranha que a outra não é mesmo?
As expressões que eu considero mais estranhas são:
- to burn the candle at both ends: queimar a vela nas duas pontas (tem que ser muito burro pra fazer isso não é?)
- Out of the blue: fora do azul (o que isto tem relacionado com o inesperado?)
- boils down to: ferve baixo para (????)
- put ones foot in ones mouth (isso é nojento, mas não impossível)
- to feel blue: se sentir azul (tá, eu até entenderia se into significa-se estar com enjoo)


Researches and social critics are debating whether the internet are improving or harming participation in comunity live and social relationship. Computers until not long ago were used only in science and business, but nowadays  the internet is in the home as an essential tool.
Although the internet is basicly about communication many of its key activities remain remarkable lonely occupations causing people to become social isolated. People are catered of from the most essential form of social interaction that is face to face communication. People are getting together less, visiting friends less, and giving fewer party.
But for those who can't resist the (?) entertainment, things are even worse. For such people work, family, friends and sleep are replaced by a virtual world cartoons and games.
Studies conducted by the University of Pittsburgh concluded that the more time spent on the internet at home, the more likely people are to be isolated, lonely, depressed and dependent. This new kind of dependance, called internet addiction recently began to be treated by psychologists. Some of the major internet related problems reported by psychologists and colleges counselors included increased level of divorces, child neglect, job termination, death, flunking out of school and legal problems.
Professionals advice internet users that it is very important to plan time to spent online carefully, and make sure that time spent online is quality time. Users must learn to discriminate between what is good and what is bad on the net.

Até mais pessoal, agora eu vou de vardade, kk

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 11 - Scenario

Hello everybody,

Vocês não concordam comigo de que esta palavra, everybody, é um tanto estranha é tipo assim: todo corpo.
Oi todo corpo!

Coming up with ideas for new websites, especially social networking websites in on the rise this days and some people have become millionaires with simple ideas that spread on the net and are a big success among people of all ages.
Now you have the chance to create one on your own with all aspects and features you would like.
First of all you should give a name to your new creation and, also, create a very atractive logo to your new website. These should reflect your personal style moreover you have to focus on which group of people you would cater to.
Would they work in a specific field? Would they belong to an especific region? Would they have certain interests? How many members do you think will join in your network?
Second you must also think about the various method of communication and how will you include them in your site.
Will your members use video to chat? Will they use instant menssages? Or, will the able to post menssages or blog?
Third you must include an advertisment skin for your site. Where will you addvertise? How will you addvertise?

Bye bye!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 10

Voltei pessoal!


In this age of technological and medical achievements, life expectance has increased extraordinarily, therefore the number of elderly people in the comunity has reach the level that can no longer be ignored. The well being of senior citizens will very accordingly to their reaches and the country they are living.
Last favored people in developed nations usualy receive a reasonable allowence from the government and, due to the fact that they are in great number, are not discriminated against. On the other hand, in growing countrys, there are still pre conception about the elderly and a common thought that this citizens should be shunned from the job market, being a no-use to the community.
What young people are not enough sensible to realize is that the knowledge gathered and the history built through out the fully lived years of our old population is the society more valuable fortune.

Agora eu me vou, é sério...

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 10 - Listerning

Bom dia minha gente!

Que tal um pouquinho de inglês pela manhã? Não? Como assim? Achei que todos estavam se esforçando para fechar o curso com notas máximas... Então vamos lá adiantar essas lições, e bola pra frente!


Sometimes we go to realy embarrassing situations. Have you ever been invited to a friend's house but all you wanted was to go out to for dinner with your girlfriend just the two of you? And than you turn to your friend and said something like: "Oh, i'm sorry but i have to take my mother to church on friday night"? You know your friend knows you were lieing and that is terrible because after that happens you will probably do something to this friend in order to rebuild your friendship but than it may be too late.
Do not think for a minute that you are fooling your friend? They will probably pretend believe you so the following (?) when you meet them be prepared for question like: "Did your mother enjoy the religious service last friday night?".
Excuses are sometime used in circunstances in which you do not want to tell the other person the truth, so we lie. Of course, in most cases, it is not a bad lie at all and it is realy to avoid hurting the other person's feelings, but your excuses must be appropriate and plausible and you must sound convinced. If a with lie is used to protect the friend, avoid being caught.
Imagine a situation in which you have canceled an appointment with a friend, claim that you have an emerge business meeting when actually all you want is to stay home and watch television. Everything is fine except for the fact that on the next day someone tells your friend that you were at home in the night before. You have just caught in a white lie and the first thing to do is apologize. You can not continue to lie anymore. Make all possible attempts to fix the damage. There are situations when the more you speak and try to justify yourself, the worse it gets. Lets say you are late for an important meeting, when you open the door you see twenty heads turning to your silently and disapproving way. You do not know if they are disapproving that you have being late or the noise that the door made when you opened it. No matter what that means, you know you are interrupting someone's speech, and that is realy bad. It's best to leave excuses and explanations, just say you are sorry and move on. Maybe latter, if some of your coworkers still feel like listening to your explanations you can make up a good excuses or make use of a white lie.

Minha gente, que texto mais longo é esse?
E ainda coube dois nessa lição, pode isso?
Na minha humilde opinião este já estava de bom tamanho, nem faria falta o outro...

Até já pessoal!

terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 9

Oi pessoal!


Congratulations! You have become a party planner. A vary important businessman or woman wants to promote his or her company by throwing a party and he or she is realy interested in your work and would like to hire you to help with this very important task. However in order to be hired by him or her you have to present a proposal full of great ideas describing how the party will help promoting this company.
This proposal should describe all the organization aspects of the event and detalles. You should include how the company will be promoted at the party, the site were it be held, who will be invited and all the strategies that will make this party a huge success.
An other aspect you should is if the party will have an special theme, such as a costume party, black-tie affair, or even a theme from an specific decade.
Will there be any special atractions? Like singers, dancers or magicians? In other words, what kind of entertainment will the guests have?
How about security? Will you hire an other company to do that or will someone from your company be there?
Will you send out invitations or, if it will opened to the public, how were the flyers be?
How will you decorate the party? will you use an special decor?
Bare in mind that this party has to reflect the spirit of the company and it has to have special effects to atract the guests attention.

Tchau pessoal!

quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 8 - Listerning

Oi gente,

Fui, mas voltei...
Na verdade é volta dos que não foram porque eu estou fazendo duas postagens num só dia então quando eu me despedi no post anterior foi só pra não ser indelicada mesmo, kk...

Too many changes

Tecnologie have brought the world to our fingertips and changed our perception  of time and space, never before has it be possible to communicate around the globe in a fraction of a second. Cyber space communication through e-mail and world wide web is a daily experience and industrialised and technologicaly developed parts of the world.
Recognizing that we are living in a historical moment of transformation isn't however new at all. When , for example, the railroad, the telefone, the wireless telegraph and the automobile were invented they were seen as being representative of crucial moments in history.
Take trains, for example, that replaces horses and horse pool carriages, they represented the possibility of transporting goods and travelers faster and more confortably. It may also be argued that without the railroad, the industrialization of Europe and America might not be occured at the same rate.
Tecnological progress isn't a previlege of this generation only, what is new however is the pace of technologic development that moves faster than ever. Before we learn how to use the pretty new device we brought for our homes, a new modern model have replaced it at the stores turning the one we just bought into little more than garbage.
Tecnological changes usualy bring about different reactions, tipical is the claim that a new device invention is totally unecessary, other opnion will say no one realy needs it or that the invention was invented just to make we spend more of our money. An other tipical reaction is the claim of the new technology development makes your life less human.
Some people see the end of civilization and tend to believe in a future when humans will governed by machines. But what happens in the and is that after a period of resistance and rejection almost all of us will be buying the new device. Usually, after a little while we think how did i get buy before this was invented? After all are this devices suposed to make our lifes easier? People in general seems to be more scared of the speed of the technological change rather than the change itself.
When things changes too fast people feel diving to the future in a uncontrolled way.

Agora é sério, vou trabalhar no meu outro trabalho alem deste, kk
Até mais gente.

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 7 - Scenario

Bom dia pessoal,

Como vai todo mundo?

Estou postando mais um listerning e desta vez é um exercício de cenário para desenvolvermos aquela proposta super chata da lição. Por que será que eles não colocam uns temas legais tipo paçoca ou coisa do gênero. Eu não entendo, este livro foi feito por gente que não é gente como a gente.


You and your classmates are on the last year in college and you have just found out that a international business organization is running a contest to help future business people open their first business. whoever wins this competition will be provided with all start up costs to get their first business up and running.
But in order to get this big prize you and your friends will have to write and present a proposal explaning all the details about your future company.
This process involves 2 steps:
1º - You have to present an overview of the business;
2º - You should address the kind of business it would be, it might be a product manufacturer such as clothing, shoes, automobile,  or even a furniture company; your company could also be food industry, recreation service, or in any other area of  your choice.
You also have to describe what kind of public your bussiness will care of, for instance: a business for children, adults or an especific group.
A other thing that are to be included in your proposal is if your business will be operated at the regional, national or international level. In adition, you and your group have to name and create a logo that represents it.

Até a próxima pessoal!

terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 6 - Text

Oi genteeeee,

Voltei, kk
Vocês pensaram que eu ia demorar muuuito né? Só que não, kk

Então tá, esse é um testo curtinho, só pra passar o tempo:

Voting sistem in the United States of America
The voting sistem in the United States of America is one of the things that along with the language has been inherited from the formal colonizer: England.

People do not vote directly on a person they think is suitable for the position, they elect a representative instead. Each District elect a number of representatives which is proportional to the number of votes the district has.  The population is not bounded to vote, only those who wants to help elect the government goes to the ballots. However, they must be over 18 and have to register first.

Last than 60% of the adult population actually votes, and this rate is even lower among young people.
There are 2 major parties in the US: the republicans and the democrats. Since the begining of the american democracy there has been a fierce rivalry to govern between them, however, nowadays some people say that although the faces change, the (?) is the same.

Então tá... fazer o que? Aqui nós somos obrigados a votar, hunf...

Até mais ver

Wizard - Book 10 - Lessom 6 - Listerning

Olá pessoal,

Que tal um pouquinho de Listerning? Não? Eu também prefiro que não seja, mas é.

Então fazer o que né?!

Britsh english vs american english

Traveling to London it may be quite an experience, as soon as you (?) to realize that after years of studing english you are not totaly able to understand what people are saying to you. It will probably takes you some time to get accostumed to the language. British english and american english presents some differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling. Despite this differences, it is often difficult to determine a part from the contest whether literary words have been written in Great Britain, the United States, Canada or Australia.

So, the main differences remain pronunciation, for example: americans always pronounce the R in a word when it is present in the spelling, in Britain when a word is spoken by itself the R is pronounced only if it comes before a vowel sound as in RAIN, but it is not pronounced before a consonant or in the end of a word as in HORSE, FARM, CAR. But the R is pronounced when words are linked together in a frase and the first word ends in R and it is followed by a word beginning in vowel sound, for example: far away, foreigner enemies. So we can conclude that there are 2 possibilities for the letter R in a word: it may or may not be pronounced.

American spelling tends to be simpler, for example: the word colour, jewellery are spelled COLOUR and JEWELLERY in british english the final ER in american english as in the word CENTER, and LITER is RE in british english, CENTRE and LITRE.

American english appears to be more tolerant with neologism. Differences in vocabulary, however may result in crossed wires and ocasional communication break downs for those who speaks american english.
In England to kill up means to form a line, calling denotes a personal visit, subway is an underground pedestrian passage, a bomb, which suggest a disaster in american, means a success in England.

Going cloths shopping? Than it is advisable to note that pants are trousers and undershorts are pants. Public schools are expensive private schools such as idem the letter Z is pronounced ZED and 0 is KNOT.

Surely even americans may end up embarrasing and in funny situations because of all these differences. There is a story of a american tourist in a london hotel that was impatient waiting for the elevator come dow when the bellboy passed and said: the lift will be dow in a minute Sir. The tourist asked: lift? Oh, elevator, you mean. And the bellboy replied: no Sir, the lift. The american tourist, now a bit nervous, said: well, since it was invented in United States, it is an elevator. And the bellboy said: well Sir, since the language was invented here, it is a lift.

Discouraging? No, don't be put off by this few examples, give to you a chance to know one of the most beautifull and thrilling cities in the world.

Bem pessoal, este foi bem longo...
Eu mesmo estou até cansada só de olhar, rs.
Espero que ajude a todos e até mais, ^^

sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013

Wizar - Book 10 - Lesson 5 - Scenario

Oi pessoal,

Estou tendo um mês bastante corrido, alem de ter ficado doente (amigdalite), e quase não encontrei tempo para postar as lições.
Espero que todos tenham ótimos estudos e aproveitem o conteúdo postado.


You have always been a good student, throught out your elementary, secundary and elderly high school years you have always recieved a great numbers of awards for your outstanding accademics abilities and rank performance. Next summer you will be graduating from high school so it is time to send an application essay to the universities you are interesting in attending. This is an important step in order to you receive a letter of rejection or acceptance to start studing in the university of your dreams.

One of the steps you must take to fullfil your dreams is to write a essay about any topic of your choice so you can show the university commitee why you are the one who shoud be chosen in among many other great students world wide.

You can write about something that has happened to you, a activity you do or even a especific momento of history.

Comentem e participem.
Até mais ver!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 4 - Listerning

Olá gente bonita e inteligente!

Ah...claro que são, tá todo mundo dando um duro danado pra entender este monte de listerning, falso ou verdadeiro?

Então vamos nos unir para melhorar.

Mais uma postagem pra vocês e dessa vez é um Listerning:


Charles Perraut, 1628 to 1703,  was born in Paris son of an upper class family, he attended the best schools and became a lawyer. His stories are tales from times passed with morals, tales of mother goose, in 1697, gave him great popularity and (?) up a new literary genre: the fairy tale. Among his most famous versions of fairy tales we can find blue bird, sleeping beauty at the woods and little red riding hood.

Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1805 in Oden, Stenmark, and died in 1875 in Copenhagen. He was the son of a poor shoe maker and could hardly attend school. andersen wrote more than 1050 stories for childrens and among his famous tales of fantasy are the ugly duckling, the little mermaid, the emperor's new clothes, the snow queen and the red shoes. His stories have been translated in to more than 18 languages and have been the source of (?), ballets, films and work of scuptures and painting.

The brothers Grim, Jacob Ludwick Carl Grim (1785 to 1863) and Wilhelm Carl Grim (1786 to 1859) two 19's centure german brothers. They were the leaders in study of germanic folklore and philology. The folk's tales they manage to colect are known as Grim's tales, among their most famous stories are snow white, Rapunzel and little red cap.

Até a próxima, pessoal!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 3 - Scenario

Hy everyone!

How about your english lessons?
I know i'm a little late but it better late than never, don't you agree?

So one more post here:

One of your dreams has always been to write and publish a book. You have send simple writes to a publisher now you have been selected by the company and they have given you a chance to fulfill your dreams.
You will spend one year writing this book, in a location of your choice and the company will pay all your expenses. You may take your family with you, you will have a maid to cook clean the house and wash your clothes so that you can concentrate on your project.
The book should be consisted of five chapters and can not be more than two hundred pages long. In your proposal you have to describe what kind of book you will be writing it can be a drama, a novel, an adventure or even a poetry book.
You may request illustrations provided that you allow enough time for them to be done and work with an ilustrator as your work progress.
If your completed version is a success you will receive a porcentage of the sales if it becomes a best seller you will receive a one hundred thousand dolar bonus from the publishing company's world directors.
Before you can begin must put together a proposal describing what the book will consist of and other information the company has requested.


quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Book 10 - Lesson 2 - Text 1

Oi de novo pessoal,

Só mais uma desta mesma lição 2

É o text, o que vocês acharam?
Eu acho que eles tiveram a pacharra de colocar um monte de lição pra compensar a falta do grammar, eu preferia o grammar...

Enviromental issues are parte of our every day lives. We can see oil on the streets, lather in the sea, smoke in the air, we can hear all the sounds that make up noise polution and we can feel global warming taking place as the temperature gets hotter and hotter. However there is one kind of polution which is invisible to the naked eye: acid rain.
The rain is naturally acid, but such condition is aggravated by the particles air polution floating in the atmosphere. This (?) form different acids which can make rain becomes as acidic as vineger. In a long run the effects of acid rain falling over buildings, lakes, trees and humans can be perceived as corrosion, death of fish, contamination of the soil and respiratory problems respectively.
All of us help polute the air by driving our cars or burning fossil fuels to generate electricity. Therefore unless some serious actions are taken we will lose our forest, architecture and health due to our carlessness regarding the enviroment we a part of.

Até mais pessoal!

Book 10 - Lesson 2 - Listerning 1

Olá pessoal,

como estão as aulas?
nada mal heim?

então lá vai nosso primeiro listerning:

the english lenguage - unknown (?)

Have you ever wondered why foreigners have troubles with english language?
Let's face it: english is a wierd language.
There is no egg in the eggplant, no ham in the hemburger, and neither pine or apple on the pineapple.
English muffins were not invented in england, french fries were not invented in france. We sometimes take english for granted but if we examined its paradoxes we will find that quicksand takes you down slowly, boxing rings are square and guineapig is neither from guinea nor is it a pig.
If a writer writes, how can fingers don't fing.
If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of phonebooth be  be phonebeeth?
If the teacher teach, why didn't the preacher preach?
If vegetariun eats vegetables, what a (?) does a humanitarium eat?
Why do people recites at play and don't play at the recital? Park on driveaways and drive on parkaways?
You have to marvel at the uniqueness of a lenguage or a house can burn up as it burns down, and did you filling in a form by filling it out, and the bell is only heard once it goes?
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects criativity of human race which, of course, isn't race at all. That is why when the stars are out they are visible but when the lights are out they are invisible, and why is it that when i end up my watch starts but when a and up this observation it ends.

Espero que ajude e até mais!

Book 10 - Lesson 1 - Scenario1

Olá todos,
bem vindos a mais um semestre de estudo de ingles e desta vez a wizard caprichou nas atividades de escutar.
No livro 9 não tivemos Listerning, no entanto no livro 10 temos 3 atividades de escultar a cada duas lições!!!
Eu particularmente não gostei, mas vamo qua vamo... Vou postar todos quantos eu puder e conto com a juda de todos para correção de erros e colaboração com perguntas que podem beneficiar a todos.


Congratulations, you've been chosen to be apart of a very famous reality show, where you might win a million of dollars. But in order to be the winner you certain duties e some projects to present. First it is your responsability to present the project: to develop a large piece of land, but there are certain regulations you have to comply with. So this is what you need to do to get started.
The size of the area is 2000 acres, this is a quite large piece of land if you consider that one acre is 4047 square meters. The area is located in a rural area of your choice. There are forests, streams, ponds, habitats for wild life, agricutural land and quite excelent areas for housing, but the nearest town to purchase supplies is approximatly 50 kilometers away via dirt road.
The mean plan is to develop this area so you and your family can make a living out of it. Remember that you have a unlimited funds to use on developing your land.
You have to include in your project what kind of crops will be planting, the animals you might have and all the other things you and your family will need so you dont need to go downtown on a daily basis. Also don't forget to include what kind of businesses you will be doing with this land so you will have enough funds to maintain your land.

Bons estudos e espero ajuda-los.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Vestido de chifon

Oi pessoal,

O que vocês acham desse modelinho?

Trabalhei com dois tecidos de chifon diferentes, mas em tom parecidos.
A faixa de cetim acrescenta um charme ao vestido, enquanto o drapeado na parte superior valoriza o busto. Modelo ideal para ser usado com um salto bem alto.

Até a próxima!

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013

Lembrancinhas de casamento

Oi pessoal,

Como havia falado no post anterior gostaria de reservar este post para mostrar algumas idéias de decoração de casamento. E como todo mundo sabe a lembrancinha é essencial para fazer com que o casamento seja sempre lembrado por cada convidado e deve harmonizar com a decoração.
As cores escolhidas para essa decoração foram verde aguá e rosa perolado:

Para fazer esta lembrancinha você vai precisar de:
- tesoura
- cola quente ou de artesanato
- fita de cetim à sua escolha (pode ser uma ou mais cores e tamanhos)
- meia perola (encontra-se em lojas de artesanato)
- frascos de vidro ou plastico em tamanho pequeno
- adesivos de decoração de lembrancinhas (opcional) e cartãozinho.
- véu com ou sem cor
- docinhos ou amêndoas
- elastiquinhos de cabelo
- agulha e linha

Passo à passo:
- Preencha todos os cartõezinhos com o nome dos noivos e a data
- Cole todos os adesivos decorativos
- Distribua os docinhos ou amêndoas mantendo os potes razoavelmente cheios
- Corte círculos de véu e prenda-os ao pote com os elastiquinhos de cabelo
- Corte as fitas em tiras de 16 cm, segure as duas pontas juntas e torça a argola para formar o laço e use a agulha e linha para dar 3 pontos no centro do laço (você pode optar por comprar laços prontos em uma loja de artesanato). Se o laço tiver mais de uma fita o processo deve ser feito com as duas unidas
- Cole a meia perola no centro do laço escondendo os pontos
- Passe os cartõezinhos com o nome dos noivos pela fita e passe a fita ao redor da tampinha na altura do elástico de cabelo e cole as pontas
- Cole os laços na intersecção da fita.

Espera que tenham gostado desse post pois eu amei essas lembrancinhas.
Até a próxima!

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Vestidos de madrinhas - estilo estadunidense

Oi genteeeee,

Primeiro a explicação por eu não ter postado nada nos últimos tempos é que eu estava atarefadíssima com o casamento de uma amiga. Ela me pediu pra fazer um conjunto de vestidos de madrinha, 4 vestidos no total, todos de tecido e cor iguais mas com corte e detalhes diferentes. Meu primeiro trabalho pra fora (fora do meu circulo social pq eu não conhecia as madrinhas) e eu ameeeeii o trabalho.
Eu considerei bastante a opinião de cada madrinha e fiz cada vestido de acordo com o gosto delas:


Também montei algumas lembrancinhas de casamento que foi dureza, vou fazer outro post só sobre decoração de casamento mostrando alguns apetrechos que eu mesma confeccionei com a noiva e que saíram muito mais em conta do que se tivéssemos comprado.

Até +, pessoal.

Wizard - book 9

Olá pessoal,

Parece que esse semestre não temos nada de listerning então gostaria de sugestões de v6 sobre o que podermos compartilhar aqui, pode ser qualquer atividade do livro.
Lembrem-se que este semestre teremos o TOIC, que é um saco fz (eu já fiz uma vez), e por isso temos que redobar os esforços.

Até a próxima pessoal!

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

Volta as aulas Wizard

Hey everyone,
How about your vacation? Lots of fun?

I hope soon as possible post new listernings here. I don't know yet haw listerning is going to be this semester but i know it will be fun share it with you.

I wish you very ameazing clesses and don't forget to have fun. = D