sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 20 - Listerning

Oi de novo pessoal!

What about some history?

Jeans were first weared by mynors and farmeres in California. Well living in France, a German named Levy Strows (?) a very resiliant fiber and emediatly tought that it would be very usefull for mynors and farmeres in the United States. He bought a large amount of the fiber and went to Jenoa, in Italy where he found people who over (?). Strwas, than came to America, he used call jeans material, material from jeans, the franch name from Jenoa and than jean material, it has been a big sucsses since than.
In the 70'centure Europe was devastated by the 30'year's war, this war was causes by religios differences and had put catolics against the protestance on the baterfield. The France had a group of Croation's sodiers helping them, they were all mercenaries. This mercenaries weared a kind of handkerchief around the neek similar to our ties nowadays. The France aristacracy loved it and adopted the new fashion that was later taken to England and soon spread all over Europe. The 80'hundred's can be considered the golden age of the tie because it became an essecial peace of a man's clothing. It was also in the 90'centure that a new tipe of tie was put on the market, the boll tie.
Weman don't think twice before taking a pair of pants today, but it hasn't always been like that. Before the 96's it was in a entirely different matter. In the 1920's a fasion designer named Coco Chanel pioneered pants for weman. They were (?) like byfocated skirts and should only be waer on very casual ocasions. In the 1950's weman weared casual pants or overalls but they would change into dresses or skirts if they had to go out.
Authough it was a famous designer Mary kuant the women who created the mini skirt, who designed the first pants for weman to be wearned streatwear, it was the franch designer Corrage who received much of the credit because at that time he was for more famous tham mary kuant. One interesting fact is that in the 1960's many restaurants refuse to addimit weman wearing pants but very shot mini skirts were acceptable.

Bye, bye.

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