terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lessom 6 - Listerning

Olá pessoal,

Que tal um pouquinho de Listerning? Não? Eu também prefiro que não seja, mas é.

Então fazer o que né?!

Britsh english vs american english

Traveling to London it may be quite an experience, as soon as you (?) to realize that after years of studing english you are not totaly able to understand what people are saying to you. It will probably takes you some time to get accostumed to the language. British english and american english presents some differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling. Despite this differences, it is often difficult to determine a part from the contest whether literary words have been written in Great Britain, the United States, Canada or Australia.

So, the main differences remain pronunciation, for example: americans always pronounce the R in a word when it is present in the spelling, in Britain when a word is spoken by itself the R is pronounced only if it comes before a vowel sound as in RAIN, but it is not pronounced before a consonant or in the end of a word as in HORSE, FARM, CAR. But the R is pronounced when words are linked together in a frase and the first word ends in R and it is followed by a word beginning in vowel sound, for example: far away, foreigner enemies. So we can conclude that there are 2 possibilities for the letter R in a word: it may or may not be pronounced.

American spelling tends to be simpler, for example: the word colour, jewellery are spelled COLOUR and JEWELLERY in british english the final ER in american english as in the word CENTER, and LITER is RE in british english, CENTRE and LITRE.

American english appears to be more tolerant with neologism. Differences in vocabulary, however may result in crossed wires and ocasional communication break downs for those who speaks american english.
In England to kill up means to form a line, calling denotes a personal visit, subway is an underground pedestrian passage, a bomb, which suggest a disaster in american, means a success in England.

Going cloths shopping? Than it is advisable to note that pants are trousers and undershorts are pants. Public schools are expensive private schools such as idem the letter Z is pronounced ZED and 0 is KNOT.

Surely even americans may end up embarrasing and in funny situations because of all these differences. There is a story of a american tourist in a london hotel that was impatient waiting for the elevator come dow when the bellboy passed and said: the lift will be dow in a minute Sir. The tourist asked: lift? Oh, elevator, you mean. And the bellboy replied: no Sir, the lift. The american tourist, now a bit nervous, said: well, since it was invented in United States, it is an elevator. And the bellboy said: well Sir, since the language was invented here, it is a lift.

Discouraging? No, don't be put off by this few examples, give to you a chance to know one of the most beautifull and thrilling cities in the world.

Bem pessoal, este foi bem longo...
Eu mesmo estou até cansada só de olhar, rs.
Espero que ajude a todos e até mais, ^^

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