terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 13 - Scenario

Oi, todo mundo!

Como vão as aulas pessoal?
É, eu sei...Eu concordo em  gênero, numero e grau.
Pois é, eu também estou um pouco cansada, por isso atrasei um pouco as postagens, mas hoje vou fazer um extra pra vocês.
Então vamos começar que o trem não espera.

Imagine you are already to move to a new house. You have made a lot of money so you can spend as much as you would like to on a house. You decide to build your own house since you want to costume it. You begin to plan your house and it is going to be magnificient.
What will your house look like? Will it be enviromental friendly? What style of decor will you use? Will it be a range house? A castle? An a double house? A log cabin? or something different?
You should also think about where your house will be located as this might change the look of your house. You will also need to think about who will live in your house. How many bedroom will you need? How many bathrooms would you like? Are you going to have any extra rooms for exercising? A home theater? A indoor or a outdoor pool? etc
Will you have a yard? What would it look like? How much property will you need in order to fit your new house and its yard?
Now as you begin dreaming, think about what inspired you and take note. At the end of your project write about what inspired you and whether or not you realy want this house to became a reality.

Até mais pessoal!

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