quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 7 - Scenario

Bom dia pessoal,

Como vai todo mundo?

Estou postando mais um listerning e desta vez é um exercício de cenário para desenvolvermos aquela proposta super chata da lição. Por que será que eles não colocam uns temas legais tipo paçoca ou coisa do gênero. Eu não entendo, este livro foi feito por gente que não é gente como a gente.


You and your classmates are on the last year in college and you have just found out that a international business organization is running a contest to help future business people open their first business. whoever wins this competition will be provided with all start up costs to get their first business up and running.
But in order to get this big prize you and your friends will have to write and present a proposal explaning all the details about your future company.
This process involves 2 steps:
1º - You have to present an overview of the business;
2º - You should address the kind of business it would be, it might be a product manufacturer such as clothing, shoes, automobile,  or even a furniture company; your company could also be food industry, recreation service, or in any other area of  your choice.
You also have to describe what kind of public your bussiness will care of, for instance: a business for children, adults or an especific group.
A other thing that are to be included in your proposal is if your business will be operated at the regional, national or international level. In adition, you and your group have to name and create a logo that represents it.

Até a próxima pessoal!

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