quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 23 - Scenario

Olá pessoal,

Um pouquinho de inglês especialmente para vocês!

Imagine it is your dream to compete in the Olimpics. Since the Olimpics are not to far away you need to prepare to compete. You will need to chose a sport event to compete in and a training schedule for that event. Think about what you will have to do and for how long.
There are many events to chose from, but you need to chose just one. You can decide to perfor a water sport such as diving, or swiming the butterfly and free stile. You might want to compete in a gymnastic related event, man can compete on the rings, the (?), the (?) and the horse.  Woman can perform on the balance bean, the  (?) and the vault. Both man and woman can compete in a floor exercise event.
There are also winter olympics that you could decide to participate in, you could do downhill ski, snowboarding or ice skating.
Track and field is another area you might be interested in, there are many options such as dash, relay, runs and medley. There are also events like shot put, jovens roll, the high jump and the long jump.

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sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 22 - Listerning

Oi pessoal,
Ultima por hoje

Special meals for holydays and celebrations

Shrove tuesday, the day before ash wednesday, the event, also known as (?), carnival and (?), is calebrated across the world with great feasting. Well brasilian's samba in the streets of Rio, and New Orlands through its most famous party of the year, the english celebrate with pancake day. Since long it is a time of abstinence traditionaly of meat, fat, eggs and dairy products, shrove tuesday manu was designed to use up all the fat, eggs and dairy products left in the kichen. On this day families get for sweet and savory pancakes (?) and housewives still compete in a peculiar traditional tossing and flipping their pancakes three times in to the air. Many christian churches offer pancakes suppers as a social function for their congregations.
Almost every country has at least one special food that is eaten on new years eve or in the first day of the new year that is believe to bring lucky, wealth or success. In the United States there is a sane that it takes eating habits in the new years celebrations. Eat poor on new years, eat fat in the rest of the year. A traditional new years meal includes ham, corn bread, black eyed peas and collard greens, but black eyed peas and collard greens are considered the specially lucky additions to the dinner table. Black eyed peas are thought to bring wealth because they look like little coins, in addition to the fact that they swells when cooked, a sure signal of prosperity. Collard greens are considered lucky because they are green, like money.
When we think of a traditional thanks giving meal the first thing that comes to our mind is a delicious roasted turkey, of course there isn't anything more tipical than to have turkey on thanks giving, but what goes with it? Besides the stuff in, which can be prepared in many different ways, we can't forget the grave and the chreamberry sauce. The vegetables served are often those harvest from the garden in tha fall, such as (?), carrots and potatos. For dessert, how about the delicious pumpkin pie?

Até outro dia!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 21 - Scenario

Oi pessoal!

Hoje foi um dia atípico no meu curso, tivemos um italiano que ensina inglês como colega. Sujeito estranho e como a maioria dos estrangeiros cheio de preconceitos. Só pra v6 terem uma idéia, quando entrou um dos meus colegas que é meio moreninho assim mais escuro ele já agarrou o celular, OI? Pois é o meu colega é de boa família e deve ter mais condição do que eu, gente boa e tudo, mas foi bem assim.
Espero que v6 não trobem com nenhum sujeito como esse pq haja paciência viu.

Every country has its own holidays that its citizens celebrate which make it different from another countries. Think about some of holidays that are unique to your country. What makes they unique? How do they begin? Do you think that holidays form part of your contry culture? Why or why not?
Now think of five specific holydays that are unique to your contry and write about each one. Describe the holyday, how it is celebrated, where it is come from and any other interesting fact you can think of.
Some holydays may came from a mix of the cultures in your country, while others may be comemorative of a historical event.
Make a five page book with which page representing one of the holydays you have chosen. Make sure to include pictures and/or objects that are representatives of holydays. You should include songs related with the holydays, also include their composers and the history of the songs.
You might also include stikers or an interesting background for each page. Be creative.

Até mais pessoal

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 20 - Listerning

Oi de novo pessoal!

What about some history?

Jeans were first weared by mynors and farmeres in California. Well living in France, a German named Levy Strows (?) a very resiliant fiber and emediatly tought that it would be very usefull for mynors and farmeres in the United States. He bought a large amount of the fiber and went to Jenoa, in Italy where he found people who over (?). Strwas, than came to America, he used call jeans material, material from jeans, the franch name from Jenoa and than jean material, it has been a big sucsses since than.
In the 70'centure Europe was devastated by the 30'year's war, this war was causes by religios differences and had put catolics against the protestance on the baterfield. The France had a group of Croation's sodiers helping them, they were all mercenaries. This mercenaries weared a kind of handkerchief around the neek similar to our ties nowadays. The France aristacracy loved it and adopted the new fashion that was later taken to England and soon spread all over Europe. The 80'hundred's can be considered the golden age of the tie because it became an essecial peace of a man's clothing. It was also in the 90'centure that a new tipe of tie was put on the market, the boll tie.
Weman don't think twice before taking a pair of pants today, but it hasn't always been like that. Before the 96's it was in a entirely different matter. In the 1920's a fasion designer named Coco Chanel pioneered pants for weman. They were (?) like byfocated skirts and should only be waer on very casual ocasions. In the 1950's weman weared casual pants or overalls but they would change into dresses or skirts if they had to go out.
Authough it was a famous designer Mary kuant the women who created the mini skirt, who designed the first pants for weman to be wearned streatwear, it was the franch designer Corrage who received much of the credit because at that time he was for more famous tham mary kuant. One interesting fact is that in the 1960's many restaurants refuse to addimit weman wearing pants but very shot mini skirts were acceptable.

Bye, bye.

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 19 - Scenario

Oi pessoal!

Como vocês estão hoje?
Já se matricularam para o ano que vem? É, eu tbm não e falei bem pra minha prof que eu não tenho mais condições de ficar pagando o curso, simples assim. Quero mesmo é investir numa viagem para o exterior.


There are many people in the world who suffer on a daily basis. Many do not have enough food or clean water, some do not have a oportunity to have a quality education.
There are already many organizations but now it is your chance to make the difference in the world.
You will design a program that will help a certain group of people to relieve their suffering. Decide what will you alliviate and for what group. Would the people you will help be from a particular country? How old will they be? Will the be male female or both? Will they need aid from a natural disaster? A sickness? Or a war?
You will also need to create a campain to advertise your charity to potencial donors. How much will they need to donate? What would their donations go towards? Will they be able to meet a person or peole they are helping? Would they be able to donate only money or would they also be able to itens such as clothing, food or other materials?
Than, you will need to create a plan to continue the aid. This may mean you will need to continue asleesick donations or that you will use other sources of income. For example, the people you are helping could do something to generate funds or you could rely sole on donations.
Remember to give your program a name and, maybe a slogam, to help your campain.

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