quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 18 - Text

Hey every one!

How about a litle bit more of lesson 18? No? I guess so, but we do have no choice, so lets do it!


A notional survey show that volunteering among teenagers in America is on the rise. The number of teens volunteering rose by seventy percent within a period of four years. Not only are they more involved in formal and informal commitments organizations, but also donating hight amounts of money as contributions to charitable institutions.
During the same period the average anual contribution reached eighty two dollars from fifty six dollars. This survey also showed that the reason for which they decided to get involved with volunteer work is their compassion for in need.
The major benefit drived from volunteering decided was learning to respect one a other.
It is quite noticable that this kind of charity tends to increase more and more among teenagers since they have little or no responsability toward money earning, and therefore they have more time to dedicate themselves to charity


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 18 - Listerning

Oi pessoal!

Já estavam com saudades? É, eu entendo, é quase impossível viver sem um pouco de inglês, kk

What do americans do for fun?

Lets visit the amusement park! Americans love amusement parks, besides the traditional rides like (?), roller coasters and water slides, there are also games pie eating contests, exhibits of farm animales. The Giants theme parks like world famous DisneyWorld and DisneyLand are visited by many americans families and tourists from all over the globe.
In Brasil folk dance is commonly part of june festivities, but in the USA square dance is a traditional dance enjoyed by many people throughout the country all year long. Man usualy dress a cowboy outfit, and woman wear lace blouses and full skirts. Four couples form a square and a (?) shouts out what movements they need to make.
An other entertainemant very popular among americans is bingo. This game is usualy promoted by comunity and church groups to raise money for charity. Since bingo card are very cheap and in comparison to other activities it is considered a low risk game. Thats why, sometimes, americans spend their saturday evenings at bingo halls.

Até mais pessoal!

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 17 - Scenario


Nesta lição apareceram mais algumas expressões que me deixam confusas, por exemplo:
Buttered up: literalmente seria amanteigar ou passar manteiga, ou seja você passa manteiga na pessoa para ela fazer o q você quer, kkk
Wolfed down: quando ouvi essa pela primeira vez pensei o que o lobo (wolf) tem a ver com você comer muito rápido??? Será que é porque você acaba comento como um lobo ou algo do tipo? kk

Esse é o ultimo por hoje pessoal, estou na lição 19 então não estou mais tão atrasada com as postagens, rs.


Since the economy has been so low lately you have decided to help out to getting more people to travel. You will need to choose a city that you want travelers to visit, you must chose wisely because you will be helping the economy but at the same time you need to remember that most travelers nowadays dont have a lot of extra money.
You will design a brochure to advertise this city and all of its best atractions. Find out what the travelers will want to do, eat, see and where they will want to sleep.
Also, since travelers own target budget you will need to be creative in promoting the city you choose. Think about over all cost, maybe use the price as a selling point if it is cheap, if not, think of another way to sell to your potencial visitors.
You will need to explain what the city is, the size of its population among other demografic information. Be sure to identify the best time of year to visit it and what the climate is like since people will need to know what to pack include anything else you may think it is important for traveler to know.


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 16 - Text


Que texto enoooorme é esse minha gente???
Na minha opnião nos deveriamos ficar 3 aulas sem qualquer outro texto porque este aqui vale por 3. kk
Se eu não tivesse pego algumas anotações com a prof quando discutimos este tema em sala eu estaria perdidinha.


When traveling abroad one important point to consider is the cultural aspect, most of the time acting according local costumes would make the difference between a satisfying trip and a total disaster. Some things may seen very natural and casual for us but when we are in a foreigner country they can cause embarrassment, sneezing in public is one of than, in Japan it is considered rude. It is also rude to speak and laugh loudly. Coughing is an other issue to consider.
In India do not wear tight and low cut cloths or people will take more pictures of you than of the Taj Mahal. If an Egyptian is wearing purple and the Japonese or an Indian is wearing white it probable means they are in a mourning period.
In Europe it is not appropriated to wear a small biquini at the beach, the irony is that europeuns do not mind topless woman sunbathing along the beaches.
You can get embarrassed or suprised when someone greets you in a foreigner country, so be prepared to be kissed on the cheek or even on the mouth if you were on the Rusia. The traditional hand-shake is used in most of the countries and can save you in case you do not know what to do.
It would be polite to great on their traditional way though, Japonese, Chinese and koreans will band over to greet you. Indians will put your hands together as if they were praying.
If you were in USA or in Germany never kiss a person when greeting him or her, the hand shake is good enough, but watch out in Germany it is impolite to do that with the other hand in your pocket.
One least piece of advice: Lithuan people like to hug and to path people on the back but other people, Scandinavian, for instance, avoid this kind of enthusiastic greetings.
Punctuality is a other subject that shoud be part of your homework, British, German, Swiss and Scandinavian people are extremely punctual, in their countries if the trains is schedule to leave at nine thirty seven it will leave at nine thirty seven and not  at nine thirty five or nine forty.
In the USA, if you have a reservation at a restaurant you are expected to be there fifteen minutes earlier or you can loose your reservation.
Food etiquette is a subject that may get you in trouble, something polite in one country can be extremely rude in an other. In Japan it is normal to eat spagett sucking them one by one, when eating soup there, forget about the spoon, Japoneses have soup directly from the bowl. Talking about soup, in China if you eat the soup noisily the host will take it as a compliment, it is also a compliment to burp after eating in Sumerian countries.
In Canada, it is rude to start eating before the host or hostess is sited and pick up their forks, it is also a good idea to offer to past things that others at the table can not reach and finaly, in England do not soak bread in your spagett sauce or people will think you are barbarian.
You can think it is a lot of information remember but there is no need for you to worry to much about it, the most important thing is to relax but be observant and you will enjoy your trip even more.
If you make a faux-pas the local people will forgive you since you are a foreigner, however it would be a good idea do some homework before hiting the road.

Espero que ajude.
Qualquer duvida, correção, comentário ou elogio é só postar nos comentário. Afinal as suas idéias podem ser uteis para outros leitores!
Até mais!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 15 - Scenario


Me falaram que as nossas notas desse ano vão estar no nosso certificado. Não podia ser as notas do 1º ou 2º ano? : /


You have just won the trip of your dreams. You can go to any couty in the world with all expanses paid however there is a cath. You have only one weekend to see the entire country or your expanses will not be paid. Your job is create a entinarary begining from the time you live the airport to the time you retur home.
It must be a full week and you will need to plan out the detales of every single day. Make sure you cover all the most important sites in the coutry of your choice identifiyng what you will need to bring and what you will see and due and its location.
Your intinerary should be as detaled as possible and should also include estimated prices of which acctivities. This project may involve resarch on the internet but you should be able to create the perfect one week country tour.


Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 14 - Listerning and Text

Qué tal?!


Nomadic people do not have permanent homes, they travel from place to place taking their homes with them. Their shoulders must be light and easily packed. The tuareg people from the saara (?) things from gold, sheep or camel hair. The tent is put up and held with the help of wood and poles, which happens to be very expensive in the desert.
On the island of Hong Kong there is not enough space for everybody to live in and build their homes, it is one of the most dasly populated places in the world, so people live in sampens, that is the name given to houseboats in Hong Kong.
Because Japam is earthquake ground the japanese have long built their houses out of bamboo paper and light weight wood. If a earthquake caused them to collapse these materials would be less likely to injure humans. Today most japanese homes are built with concrete bloc that moves as the ground shakes.


When the Celts occupied Europe, long before the birth of Christ, halloween was time for all who lived good lifes to feast. This feast happened mainly in Ireland and Scotland. The ancient Celts observed it to celebrate the sunset of winter and the begining of the caught at new year. This feast marked the third and final harvest and the storage of provisions for the winter.
People wore costumes made of animal skins to warned of the spirits of the death who returned to earth at the turning point of one year to the other. Wearing this costumes they would visit homes asking for treats, those who gave them would have a good year those ho did not will warned to watch out for spirits, this is the origen of the trick or treating that is so common nowadays.
The Romans after conquering England and France introduced their own thoughts to halloween, they gave nuts to their neighbors and let some donuts by their doors.
In the 90's century immigrants brought the holyday to north America were has involved and become a national celebration. Nowadays it has become a family holyday for parents and children and neighborly named to spend time together, creating costumes, carving pumpkins, planing trick or treating activities and participating in family and friends parties.
It is also time to take care of ones safety. Because of the tradition of sacrifice, said to be held by the Celts, questions of safety related to trick or treating has increase over the years causing some parents discontinue the tradition together. Some people have taken this oportunity to go after children to practice violence and to sat up some fanatic sucks

Hasta luego!

Wizard - Book 10 - Lesson 13 - Scenario

Oi, todo mundo!

Como vão as aulas pessoal?
É, eu sei...Eu concordo em  gênero, numero e grau.
Pois é, eu também estou um pouco cansada, por isso atrasei um pouco as postagens, mas hoje vou fazer um extra pra vocês.
Então vamos começar que o trem não espera.

Imagine you are already to move to a new house. You have made a lot of money so you can spend as much as you would like to on a house. You decide to build your own house since you want to costume it. You begin to plan your house and it is going to be magnificient.
What will your house look like? Will it be enviromental friendly? What style of decor will you use? Will it be a range house? A castle? An a double house? A log cabin? or something different?
You should also think about where your house will be located as this might change the look of your house. You will also need to think about who will live in your house. How many bedroom will you need? How many bathrooms would you like? Are you going to have any extra rooms for exercising? A home theater? A indoor or a outdoor pool? etc
Will you have a yard? What would it look like? How much property will you need in order to fit your new house and its yard?
Now as you begin dreaming, think about what inspired you and take note. At the end of your project write about what inspired you and whether or not you realy want this house to became a reality.

Até mais pessoal!